7 Reasons Why Online Reviews Shape Consumer Decision Making
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7 Reasons Why Online Reviews Shape Consumer Decision Making

The influence of online reviews on consumer purchasing decisions

Before we delve into the discussion about how online reviews are used by consumers and how they influence their buying decisions, it's essential to explain where these reviews fit into the product and service purchasing cycle.

7 Reasons Why Online Reviews Shape Consumer Decision Making

"Brace yourself for a journey of discovery in the world of consumer reviews."


The Rapid Decision-Making Process

One key point to note is that depending on the consumer's personality, the time between reading a review and deciding to purchase a product can be remarkably short, often resulting in a simple binary choice - yes or no. For small businesses, this means that online reputation can directly impact sales results.

The Rapid Decision-Making Process

One key point to note is that depending on the consumer's personality, the time between reading a review and deciding to purchase a product can be remarkably short, often resulting in a simple binary choice - yes or no. For small businesses, this means that online reputation can directly impact sales results.

The Prevalence of Reading Online Reviews

But how many consumers actually read online reviews? To answer this question, Capterra, a company that facilitates software transactions between suppliers and customers, conducted research in 2019.

Their main finding was that before deciding to buy a product, a whopping 69% of the 274 internet users who participated in the survey preferred to read the opinions and recommendations of other buyers instead of consulting experts or acquaintances. Furthermore, 80% of them expressed a high level of trust in the reviews they read, especially those published within the past six months.

The Quantity and Trustworthiness of Reviews

But how many reviews do consumers typically read before making up their minds? Fortunately, research has also provided an answer to this question. For around 50% of respondents, a product becomes more trustworthy when it has received between five and 20 reviews. Interestingly, the number of evaluations often holds more weight than the rating given by consumers. In other words, when faced with two hypothetical products with different numbers of reviews and ratings, 77% of them stated a preference for the product that received a 4/5 rating from 15 reviews, as opposed to only 23% who would opt for the product with a perfect 5/5 rating based on just five opinions.

EQI Index: A Deeper Dive

In 2019, another survey called EQI, or E-commerce Quality Index, was conducted by partner companies to evaluate the quality of e-commerce in Brazil, the United States, and Latin America. This comprehensive study involved 2,178 participants and monitored 118 websites (78 in Brazil). It even covered major retail chains like Casas Bahia and Magazine Luiza, in addition to nearly five and a half million product pages.

The EQI index assesses product pages based on five criteria:

Rating Score: The average product rating evaluated by consumers.

Description Score: The number of words found in the product description field.

Review Score: The number of comments about the product on the page.

Image Score: The number of images present on the page.

Search Score: The average score based on the number of characters in the title and whether the product is registered in a category on the website.

The research reveals that, among these five criteria, ratings and comments are the first and third most relevant factors, respectively, in the opinion of those interviewed. Along with product descriptions, they carry the greatest weight in consumers’ evaluation of e-commerce.

The Impact of Reviews and Comments

Reviews and comments, being a form of user-generated content, have immense potential to impact sales, as many consumers seek the opinions of others. EQI, for instance, highlights that a staggering 95% of consumers read reviews to determine whether to purchase a product. Therefore, companies that receive credible evaluations can gain a significant advantage in the market over their competitors.

The Challenge for Retailers

Despite these insights, according to the 2019 EQI, only 4.2% of products in Brazil were evaluated (compared to 6.6% in Latin America and 42.2% in the United States), and only 7% of them had received at least one comment. However, it's noteworthy that 89% of products evaluated by consumers in Brazil received an average rating of at least four stars, with an overall average rating of 4.5 stars. Hence, the primary challenge for retailers is to encourage consumers to evaluate their products.

In the next section, we'll continue to explore how online reviews influence consumers' purchasing decisions, both positively and negatively, and their role as local SEO ranking factors.


As we explore the world of online reviews and ratings and their impact on the search for high-quality electronics in official stores, one thing becomes clear: we are living in the age of information and informed choice.

Reviews from other consumers have become reliable beacons on our path, guiding us through the vast options available. Transparency, credibility and the ability to make informed decisions are now just a click away.

So, the next time you are about to invest in an electronic product, remember the power of reviews and ratings. The collective wisdom of consumers is your ally in the search for quality and trust.

Now, with this knowledge, go ahead and discover the world of high-quality electronics in official stores in the best markets in Europe and the United States. Let reviews be your compass and dive into the world of informed choice. Your best purchasing decisions are just a click away.

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