Laptops or Desktops For Drone Mapping
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Laptops or Desktops For Drone Mapping

Laptops or Desktops For Drone Mapping

Laptops or Desktops For Drone Mapping

Depending on your professional goal, buying a notebook may be the best option. Although the cost of these devices is a little higher than desktops, there are no comparisons in terms of mobility and field work efficiency.

If you work in different locations and need to process data while traveling, make no mistake, you will need a notebook. However, despite their mobility, notebooks have many disadvantages compared to desktops.

One of the major disadvantages of investing in notebooks is linked to the fact that these devices already have a predefined factory configuration. That is, when investing in a notebook, you don't choose the parts individually, but a predefined set of parts that will compose your equipment.

This can end up generating dissatisfaction for those who work or intend to work with Digital Photogrammetry software. These professionals need a powerful machine that combines Processor, Storage, RAM and Video Card and many times, notebooks can fall short in some of these requirements.

If you're looking to buy a notebook, keep in mind that the latest pieces of computing technology on the market will always be released first for desktop systems. Also, swapping out parts of a laptop can be risky business in terms of compatibility.

As mobile workstations, notebooks are highly dependent on battery systems. If you intend to invest in a notebook, you should be aware that the battery life of these systems is relatively low, and may lose efficiency over time and even make it unfeasible to use these devices without a power connection.

If you don't have the need to process data while traveling or in the field, desktops remain the best option for anyone looking to work with digital photogrammetry and aerial mapping with drones.

In addition to being considerably cheaper equipment than notebooks, desktops have the great advantage of being able to be molded according to the operational needs and financial availability of the user.

When you think about the possibilities of assembling a desktop over time, there is no doubt that these devices are superior to notebooks.

When investing in a desktop, you can start with a basic machine and, depending on your financial availability, invest in specific parts that will provide better performance during data processing.

The vast majority of digital photogrammetry professionals prefer to work on desktops, although they consume more energy, are immobile and take up more space than notebooks, the operational performance of such equipment is almost always superior.

Another big difference between notebooks and desktops is linked to the cooling systems of these devices. Notebooks, when using one hundred percent of their capacity, are often subject to overheating. This, in addition to generating a substantial drop in performance, can end up significantly reducing the useful life of the parts that make up a notebook.

Because they have more space for air circulation, desktops provide greater stability in terms of temperature control and, consequently, have better operational performance.

Desktops still have the option of using one or more coolers, including watercoolers, which are ventilation systems far superior to the traditional coolers used in the vast majority of notebooks.

Desktops are equipment that have technical assistance much more accessible than notebooks. Changing parts or properly maintaining a desktop is a much simpler process than with notebooks. Often, with the help of tutorials, you can easily and safely install parts and solve problems related to the hardware systems of these equipments.

The professional who intends to invest in a desktop to work with digital photogrammetry software must be aware that he will need to buy a monitor and all the other equipment necessary to operate a desktop. Notebooks, in turn, do not have this need, and can be operated from anywhere without the need for additional equipment.

On the one hand, this can be advantageous, since monitors and other equipment end up significantly increasing the purchase price of a desktop. On the other hand, operating software such as Agisoft Metashape without basic equipment such as mice, keyboards and monitors can make processing a large amount of data significantly difficult and even unfeasible.

In addition to having a lower market value and greater availability of technology associated with these systems, desktops will almost always be superior in performance compared to notebooks.

Even for those who need mobility to process data, it can be a great option.It is satisfactory to use notebooks for simple field procedures and desktops for procedures that require a more robust system in terms of operational performance. However, for that, you will need to invest a much higher amount than working with just one equipment format.

If you want to know a little more about this subject, GeoSense created a post exclusively dedicated to helping you with Tips To Buy A PC For Aerial Mapping With Drones.

Check now which are the best laptops for mapping and photogrammetry with drones.

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