Drones Revolutionizing Civil Construction Exploring Applications and Benefits of Drones.
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Drones Revolutionizing Civil Construction Exploring Applications and Benefits of Drones.

Drones Revolutionizing Civil Construction: Exploring Applications and Benefits of Drones in Civil Construction

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Bidding and pre-planning:

Before starting the project, a topographic survey of the site is necessary to obtain a good understanding of the environment in which the project will be carried out. In this step, the MDT and MDS maps generated by drone image processing will help to identify aspects such as:

drainage points

elevation changes

Better locations for building, digging and storing materials.

Topographic surveys:

Drones equipped with mapping technology can perform high-precision topographic surveys, collect precise topography data, and create detailed 3D terrain models. This data is fundamental for project planning, allowing a better understanding of the terrain, identification of risk areas and optimization of the design and layout of buildings, as well as monitoring any changes in the surface over time.


The same maps previously generated are used as input for project planning and development, making creation much more agile and ensuring the necessary centimetric accuracy.

By using orthomosaics you can extract actual measurements or placement of curbs, culverts, trees and import them into your CAD or GIS software to enrich existing data.

In addition, it is possible to create the planning of the site with just a few clicks, using the area calculation and measurement tool.

3D models also allow analysis and visualization of drop shadows and perspectives/views.


Despite generating a lot of value in the pre-planning and project creation stages, drones and image processing become even more necessary during the execution of the work. After all, this is where it can help you save resources.


Have you ever thought of a simpler and more accurate way of doing the earthmoving step?

Through drone flight and image processing, it is possible to generate point clouds in a few clicks, a map capable of informing the geospatial positioning (X, Y, Z) of thousands of points. Then simply integrate the point cloud with photogrammetry software and you can get accurate volume measurements and perform cut or fill analysis.

Thus, it is possible to reduce the margin of error in hiring the contractor that will remove the earth, since the budgets are based on the amount of earth moved.

Comparing the progress of the work with the project:

One of the biggest advantages of generating accurate maps of the construction field is the possibility of overlapping CAD files with orthomosaics. This allows a precise comparison between the evolution of the work and the project.

And if any differences are identified, they can be quickly corrected, without breaking the budget or delaying the schedule.

Read Also: What are the Best Drones for civil engineering and some important points to consider when choosing. Read Here:

Area mapping:

Area Mapping brings all the elements together, including the software, ground sensors, image capture camera, and aerial device. It can be used for several purposes, whether in the context of incorporation that can better evaluate a land, or mining. It can also simulate projects based on aerial images captured by the drone.

Companies use drones in construction to command autonomous vehicles using mobile tools. The equipment makes it possible to simulate not only projects but also to carry out leveling studies, allowing an overview of how much earth has to be removed or placed in a given construction, for example.

Monitoring and inspection of works:

Before the work continues to evolve, the work must be inspected and evaluated by the responsible engineer. And the faster this information is provided and analyzed, the faster it is possible to continue construction, right?

Drones enable quick inspections, making it much easier to create an analysis and monitoring routine, generating a record of progress on the construction site. Being able to identify possible problems and take corrective measures more efficiently. In addition to optimizing planning and logistics, and ensuring that project steps are followed efficiently.

Creating this timeline by comparing maps allows you to control and validate tasks more quickly, saving time and ensuring compliance with deadlines.

Routine drone inspections and up-to-date visual data from the jobsite can help identify errors before they become an issue. Thus it is possible to avoid extreme measures such as demolition, prevent waste of materials and time.

Inventory monitoring:

Drones can be used to carry out the inventory of materials andequipment on construction sites. With the help of RFID sensors or barcodes, drones can collect accurate and up-to-date data on stock, streamlining the management process and avoiding losses and waste.


Structure Inspection: Drones can reach hard-to-reach areas such as roofs, high facades and complex structures. With high-resolution cameras, it is possible to visually inspect the condition of structures, identify damage, cracks, sticking or any maintenance needs, without the need for additional scaffolding or equipment. Image captures made with a temperature sensor facilitate the identification of areas where a certain voltage is required. This is a benefit that allows the technician to have greater precision where a repair should or should not take place.

A more specific and widely used context of this type of technology is that of solar energy, which helps to identify repair needs on terraces of houses and buildings.

Construction site safety:

Drones can be used to monitor the safety of workers on the construction site. With high-resolution cameras and infrared sensors, they can identify potential hazards such as drop areas, unauthorized access points or misplaced equipment, allowing for a quick and efficient response to ensure everyone's safety.

Inventory and logistics management:

Drones can be used to monitor the stock of materials on a construction site, allowing efficient and accurate management of resources. They can track and record the amount of materials present, such as bricks, blocks, concrete, and even help with supply delivery logistics.

Quality control:

Drones can be used to inspect the quality of work carried out on a construction site. With high resolution images, they can identify defects, flaws in the finish or discrepancies in relation to the original project, allowing immediate correction and ensuring compliance with established quality standards.

Marketing and project visualization:

Drones can capture high quality aerial images and video for marketing purposes and project visualization. These images can be used in promotional materials, customer presentations or to create virtual tours, providing an immersive and realistic experience of the project even before its completion.

Marketing and Sales:

A powerful and widely used strategy in the civil construction market is a drone application to help in the marketing of real estate.

Companies use drones to tour homes in order to offer an experience to buyers. These tours can be done internally, showing the interior of the property, or externally, giving a view from the property's balcony, or the neighborhood in which this property is located.

This Experiential Marketing issue has increasingly helped with the conversion rate in the market, which is very simple to use and is very present in achieving sales.


After completion of the works, it is still necessary to carry out preventive maintenance from time to time. However, this process costs time, money and does not bring much value to the operation.

Therefore, finding an efficient and quick solution can make this process less costly, right? And that's where drones come in. With drones you will be able to inspect large assets and areas of difficult access, generating benefits such as:

Economy, Security and Agility.

These are some of the main purposes of Autel Robotics drones in the construction industry. They provide a detailed bird's-eye view, agility and accuracy, efficiency, safety and productivity of construction projects.

What to expect when starting a drone mapping program and how to measure its return?

Among them are economy, speed, accurate information and so on.

And for you to measure the success and return on investment of your operation, we elaborate all the points that should show significant improvements after implementation:

Faster, more informed decision-making

Savings on information gathering costs

Rework reduction

Transparency and documentation of all stages of the project

Reduction in the waste of resources and materials

Increased speed of site inspections

Reduction of risks in inspections and monitoring of works

data accessibility

Cost reduction in preventive maintenance inspections

Increased design accuracy

Read Also: What are the Best Drones for civil engineering and some important points to consider when choosing. Read Here:

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