Drones in Civil Construction, helping to sell real estate
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Drones in Civil Construction, helping to sell real estate

Drones in Civil Construction, helping to sell real estate

Drones in Civil Construction, helping to sell real estate

But it is not just during construction work or for technical purposes that drones are useful in civil construction. They are also extremely useful in improving the performance of the team of real estate agents. That is, those professionals committed to selling units under construction.

Let's take the example of real estate works. In these cases, the use of drones in civil construction allows showing potential clients exactly what the view will be from the windows or balcony of their apartment.

The best thing is that these are not digital projections, but real images. That is, they allow you to see precisely and clearly the entire surroundings of the building even before the building leaves the ground.

Importance of customer experience

According to a Gartner survey, 37% of CEOs believe that customer experience is among the top technology investments needed to improve their business and outperform the competition.

Knowing this, it is not new that builders and developers try to improve and intensify the experience lived by customers at the sales stand or even before leaving home to visit the development.

After all, marketing concepts state that the purchase of a property requires the broker to be able to capture the customer's attention. That is to say, arouse his interest, provoke the desire to own the property and persuade him to buy.

For all of this to happen, it is essential to understand that “the essence of real estate presentation is not exactly about selling real estate. But about selling dreams, desires, well being and expectations.

Above all, it is a great opportunity for the realtor to create unique and memorable situations to delight and win over clients”.

Considering all this, what would be more conducive to creating such situations and raising the customer's expectations to the maximum than placing them inside the property? This is exactly the possibility provided by drones in civil construction in the commercialization of residential or even corporate real estate units.

Some developers have noticed that there are even customers who give priority to sites that have photos and videos taken by drones in civil construction.

Drones in Civil Construction: Experiences taken everywhere.

The most interesting thing is that the videos and photos taken by the drones allow the experience to be taken anywhere. That is, the potential real estate client does not need to go to the construction site to see the work. In addition, customers who have already purchased their unit can receive periodic updates on how the works are progressing.

The possibility for the customer to see the images without leaving home makes drones in civil construction a powerful tool for customer relations.

Leia Tambem: What are the Best Drones for civil engineering and some important points to consider when choosing. Read Here

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